June 10, 2013

(C++) wxWidgets and Code::Blocks

Some time ago I start interested in developing cross-platform GUI applications.
For developing this type of software uses such approaches as Java, GTK library,
Qt and as well scripting languages.

Any programmer thought that it would be great to write applications that will
run on Windows, Linux, MacOS, FreeBSD and without any patches and improvements.

I thinking of universal means to rapidly create cross-platform GUI applications,
and giving smart pointers, Unicode, regular expression, internationalization,
and so on.

For the realization of these objectives

May 19, 2013

(C++) Installation of MinGW with MSYS as a developer's environment.

This manual was created to be a textbook for developers to help them build and customize their own environment for the development of native applications in a family of OS Windows.
Choosing and installation free environment based on the port compiler gcc (MinGW) and Code Blocks IDE environment. And farther configuration, installation and compilation of third-party libraries.